Dance All Night Long
Self-penned by the band, this album is a well-crafted collection of rock ‘n’ roll songs that showcases the band’s growth and maturity over the years.
Self-penned by the band, this album is a well-crafted collection of rock ‘n’ roll songs that showcases the band’s growth and maturity over the years.
This album is dedicated to the following people for their dedication and support which over the years has been long and loyal.
This third release from ‘The Firebirds’ includes material from all three members of the band and some carefully chosen covers. The band decided to cover the tracks that you, the fans, continually request, for your pleasure. ‘This is it’ was recorded at The Coach House Recording Studio in Bristol March 1994.
This CD is dedicated to you and all the people who support us.
After spending some time with Linda, and visiting her home nation in 2000, this CD timing seemed correct. There have been many gigs where we have both performed and enjoyed each one, so this CD is a tribute to the times we shared. We all hope you enjoy the choice of music contained in the CD as much as we enjoyed producing it.
Thanks to Andy Allen at Coach House Studios for superb engineering and production, also a big shout out to Martin Leyton on piano.
Comments from Geoff Barker “all tracks on this great album from one of the finest rock’n’roll bands you are ever likely to see. As I described in my shows ….. “Boppers, Jivers, Doo-Woppers and Strollers”, so it is with these guys. D0nt categorise them, just stick this technicolour disc in the machine, give it a good crank up in the volume department…And…LET’S GO WITH THE FIREBIRDS”!
Geoff Barker, Classic Gold Radio UK/BBC World Service. March 1998
This CD is for all the folk who enjoy dancing to The Firebirds music. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you all very soon at a dance hall near you !
Recorded between 2001 and 2004 at Rockville Studios, Bristol.
From Geoff Barker “The Firebirds are a shining example of what a band should be about : Real musicians, singing real songs and as I said right at the start …..with the ability to totally reproduce it, live on stage. Geoff Barker BBC Radio ‘ The Saturday Night Rock n Roll Party’ BBC West & Southwest Network :
Produced by John Plummer at Recorded at Rockville Studios, Bristol